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Banner image: Hamilton Harbor
Hamilton harbor entrance
The Maritime Trader approaching the Burlington Canal at Hamilton.
Hamilton, June 30, 2008, Image 08-4829

South Pier light
The Front Range Light, 1909, on the south pier of the Burlington Canal.
Hamilton, June 30, 2008, Image 08-4831

North Pier light
Range Light, on the north pier of the Burlington Canal.
Hamilton, June 30, 2008, Image 08-4833

Burlington Canal Lift Bridge
The Burlington Canal Lift Bridge is the 6th bridge to cross the canal since 1832.
The bridge has a vertical lift of 110' and a span of 380 feet.
Hamilton, June 30, 2008, Image 08-4833

Burlington Canal
The Burlington Canal was first opened in 1832.
The James N. Allan Skyway Bridge also crosses the canal.
Hamilton, June 30, 2008, Image 08-4855

Hamilton Lighthouse
The shuttered remains of old Hamilton Lighthouse. The lighthouse,
built in 1859 of dolomite limestone, was deactivated in 1968.
Hamilton, June 30, 2008, Image 08-4842

Tankers in Hamilton
Desgagnes tanker Thalassa Desgagnes and the Hamilton Energy.
Hamilton, June 30, 2008, Image 08-4879

Tankers Hamilton Energy
Provnav tanker Hamilton Energy.
A look at the Hamilton Energy.
Hamilton, June 30, 2008, Image 08-4891

Tankers at Hamilton
The Hamilton Energy alongside the Thalassa Desgagnes.
Hamilton, June 30, 2008, Image 08-4914

JRI Elevator
The JRI Elevator at Hamilton was built in 1968 and expanded in 2008 to a capacity of 43,500 metric tonnes.
Hamilton, June 30, 2008, Image 08-4940

Grain trucks
Trucks arriving at the elevator with soybeans are tested before proceeded to the dumping area.
Hamilton, June 30, 2008, Image 08-4934

ILA members
Longshoremen John Kelly and Rick Smith of ILA Local 1654 arrive on deck to load the ship.
Hamilton, June 30, 2008, Image 08-4967

Loading soybeans
Loading soybeans begins about an hour after the vessel arrives in port.
Hamilton, June 30, 2008, Image 08-4971

Loading soybeans
This cargo of soybeans is destined for Port Cartier on the upper St. Lawrence.
Hamilton, June 30, 2008, Image 08-5088

Maritime Trader
Looking aft at the Maritime Trader loading at Hamilton.
Hamilton, June 30, 2008, Image 08-5106

Loading spouts
The grain is elevated to the top of the silos and transferred across on conveyor belts to the loading spouts.
Hamilton, June 30, 2008, Image 08-5128

Loading spout over hatch
The grain is weighed and dumped from incoming trucks and loaded directly onto the ship.
Hamilton, June 30, 2008, Image 08-5092

Deckhand and captain
Chris Shea and Capt. Vaughn Kendall observe the loading behind a veil of grain dust.
Hamilton, June 30, 2008, Image 08-5083

Chris Raffter
ILA member Chris Raffter during his afternoon loading shift.
Hamilton, July 1, 2008, Image 08-5137

Maritime Trader
The Maritime Trader basking in the glow of sun and the grain.
Hamilton, July 1, 2008, Image 08-5148
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