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Banner image: Hamilton Harbor
Hamilton Energy alongside Maritime Trader
The tanker Hamilton Energy alongside the Maritime Trader for fueling.
Hamilton, June 30, 2008, Image 08-4982
South Pier light
Deckhand Tony Paternostro tosses to tie the tanker alongside the Trader.
Hamilton, June 30, 2008, Image 08-4983
Hamilton Energy
The Hamilton Energy is stationed in Hamilton, but also serves Port Weller, Toronto and Bowmanville.
Hamilton, June 30, 2008, Image 08-5016
Hamilton Energy
The Hamilton Energy was built in Scotland in 1965 and rebuilt in 2001 after a collision.
Hamilton, June 30, 2008, Image 08-5009
Captain David Paton
Captain David Paton began sailing in 1977.
Hamilton, June 30, 2008, Image 08-5004
Wheelsman Peter Dominic
Wheelsman Peter Dominic.
Hamilton, June 30, 2008, Image 08-5007
Hamilton Energy
The Hamilton Energy has a 1,050 ton capacity, and full blending capability.
Hamilton, June 30, 2008, Image 08-5021
Hamilton Energy
The tanker carries "green" diesel fuel or bulk HFO such as Bunker C fuel.
Hamilton, June 30, 2008, Image 08-5048
Fuel sample
A sample of each load of fuel is kept for quality control.
The Hamilton Energy fuels about 450 ships each year.
Hamilton, June 30, 2008, Image 08-5036
Bernie Peckford
Bernie Peckford works on the deck during the fuel transfer.
Hamilton, June 30, 2008, Image 08-5008
Ship engine
The Hamilton Energy is powered by a 12 cylinder General Motors EMD diesel engine.
Hamilton, June 30, 2008, Image 08-4992
Hamilton Energy
The Hamilton Energy, moored alongside the Maritime Trader.
Hamilton, June 30, 2008, Image 08-4992
Tony Paternostro
G.P. Tony Paternostro monitors the fueling and the tanker from the deck of the Maritime Trader.
Hamilton, June 30, 2008, Image 08-5051
Hamilton Energy
Smokestack on after end of the Hamilton Energy.
Hamilton, June 30, 2008, Image 08-5060