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Banner image: Duluth harbor
Avery and Stanley
Tower Avenue slip was lay-up spot for a lot of old U.S. Steel boats.
The Sewell Avery and the Robert C. Stanley on a lonely snowy day.
Superior, 1976.

Chipping paint
Sailor chipping paint and rust off the logo on the ship's bow.
Duluth, ca. 1978.

Chipping paint
Alt version of sailor chipping paint and rust off the logo on the ship's bow.
Duluth, ca. 1978.

The bow of the Reserve at the old Interstate bridge.
Superior, 1976.

Robert C. Norton
Some of my earliest photos taken in 1976-77 were taken along Main Street. Here, the crane ship Robert C. Norton
with a classic steamer poop deck. The tug in front is named for Vivian Fraser, wife of former shipyard owner Bob Fraser.
Superior, 1976.

Affleck and Irvin
The B. F. Affleck and the William A. Irvin in Fraser Shipyard with bicentennial markings in 1976.
Superior, 1976.

Harry Allen
The Harry L. Allen was engaged in the grain trade between Duluth-Superior and Buffalo.
The after deck of the vessel is seen here in lay-up at the Globe Elevator.
Superior, 1976.

Harry Allen
The pilothouse of the Harry L. Allen, the starboard side from the old rail bed.
Superior, 1976.

Frank R. Denton
Steamer Frank R. Denton: I still recall taking this photo, some 50 years later...I liked the ice floating around the stern.
wanted to capture the reflection of the after cabins in the water.
Superior, 1976.

Frank R. Denton
Steamer Frank R. Denton after cabins.
(some damage to neg).
Superior, 1976.

Kaner's scrapyard at the foot of Clough Ave.
Superior, 1976.

Anchor chain hanging from the hawse pipe on old laker.
Duluth, 1976-77.

The same idea here, wanted to capture the reflection of the after cabins in the water.
The composition was more important here for me than the entire vessel.
Superior, 1976.

The harbor was full of older US Steel vessels destined for the scrapyard.
The William B. Schiller sat in the Tower slip until being scrapped at Duluth.
Superior, 1976.

adam e cornelius
American Steamship Company's Adam E. Cornelius arriving at Duluth.
This was a rare visit for me to go to the Duluth entry. This ship would later be cutup into a tug-barge.
Superior, 1976.

City of Newcastle
In the 1970s the federal Food for Peace program brought a lot of buisness
to the port. In Superior, Meehan Seaway Services operated the old municipal dock.
The City of Newcastle is seen being loaded here.
Superior, 1978.

The M/V Laodiki departs the Hughitt Avenue slip of Farmers Union. The vessel was built in Szczecin, Poland
in 1963. The tug New Jersey was on the bow as they backed down along the wall.
Superior, 1978.

general cargo
General cargo on the dock at Meehan's Superior dock. It looks like bales of wire.
Superior, 1978.

Samos Sun
I didn't get to Duluth very often. This is a rare trip for me to see a couple.
salt-water ships ar the Port Terminal cargo dock.Duluth, c. 1976-77.

J. P Morgan, Jr.
At the end of its career, the J. P. Morgan Jr.
in the back waters of West Duluth.
Duluth, 1977.

Duluth ore dock
Walkway on right sign at Duluth ore dock leading to wooden walkway.
Duluth, 1970s

Duluth ore dock
The wooden walkway beneath the Duluth ore dock
before the conveyor system was installed.
Duluth, 1970s

Duluth ore dock
The frog pond area of Fraser. Eugene P. Thomas, workboat Bernie,
unidentified boat on right, and Kaner II way in back.
Superior, 1970s

Eugene W. Pargny
Sequence of shots of Eugene W. Pargny in bicentennial colors leaving Duluth. Taken from the old Interstate bridge.
Superior, 1976

Eugene W. Pargny
Forward cabins of the Eugene W. Pargny. Taken from the old Interstate bridge.
Superior, 1976

Eugene W. Pargny
Partial aftercabins of Eugene W. Pargny with bicentennial stack. Taken from the old Interstate bridge.
Superior, 1976

Eugene W. Pargny
Eugene W. Pargny rounding bend at Rice's Point, outbound from D. M. & I. R.
Superior, 1976

Peter L.
The Hughitt slip was one of my favorite places to shoot. I could walk there or take my bike.
The Telson Queen was an old minesweeper that died a slow death sitting in the slip.
The M/V Peter L. loading at Farmers Union.Superior, 1976

In this photo, the Rubens now loads...the Telson Queen in rougher shape.
I took many photos of the old boat before it finally disappeared.
Superior, 1976

Sivertson Fisheries dock
Stanley Sivertsen ran his fishing operation out of this old warehouse on the Hughitt Avenue slip.
The Hiawatha is tied up behind fish tender, probably the A. E. Clifford.
One of my alltime favorite photos with the reflection in the water.
Superior, 1976

U.S. Steel ships
Tres amigos: waiting for the scrap yard. L-R, D. G. Kerr, D. M. Clemson, Alva C. Dinkey.
Duluth, 1976

William Clayi Ford
Conversion of former T2 tanker Walter A. Sterling into the William Clay Ford at Fraser Shipyards.
Superior, 1985

William Clay Ford
Lettering of the new name William Clay Ford on port side hull.
Superior, 1985

Leon Fraser
The U.S. Steel tin stacker Leon Fraser in Duluth ship canal.
Duluth, 1985

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