ATB Ken Boothe Sr and Lakes Contender at Cliffs Northshore on maiden voyage
Silver Bay, May 8, 2012, Image 12-0816
Log book of Ken Boothe Sr. for first trip, first load
Silver Bay, May 8, 2012, Image 12-0765
Captain Dave Laban was selected for the job based on his previous experience with ATBs on the lakes.
Captain Laban began his Great Lakes career aboard the Henry Ford II
He is a graduate of the Great Lakes Maritime Academy at Traverse City
Silver Bay, May 8, 2012, Image 12-0746
Section of empty cargo hold
Silver Bay, May 8, 2012, Image 12-0704
Taconite in hold after first loading pass
Silver Bay, May 8, 2012, Image 12-0702
Shiploader over hatch 13 on second loading pass
Silver Bay, May 8, 2012, Image 12-0719
Shiploaders over hatches during second loading pass
Silver Bay, May 8, 2012, Image 12-0742
Bosun John Cedeno Jr. resetting hatch covers
Silver Bay, May 8, 2012, Image 12-0739
Some of the estimated 32,000 tons of taconite the Lakes Contender is hauling on first trip
Silver Bay, May 8, 2012, Image 12-0790
Deckhand Abdul Ahmed handling mooring lines on dock at Silver Bay
Silver Bay, May 8, 2012, Image 12-0715
Nineteen-year old deckhand Dalton Bertrand continuing a family tradition of sailing on the Great Lakes
Silver Bay, May 8, 2012, Image 12-0746
John Cedeno Jr. is the ship's bosun, and the ship's chairman for the SIU
Silver Bay, May 8, 2012, Image 12-0793
Young deckhands, Dalton Bertrand and Abdul Ahmed
Silver Bay, May 8, 2012, Image 12-0796
Looking aft at the tug Ken Boothe Sr.
Silver Bay, May 8, 2012, Image 12-0785
During loading the tug is disengaged from the barge. This view shows the gear teeth where the tug and barge connect
Silver Bay, May 8, 2012, Image 12-0750
The tug Ken Boothe Sr., launched in March 2012, is powered with a 10,800 HP diesel engine
Silver Bay, May 8, 2012, Image 12-0692
Towing deck on the tug Ken Boothe Sr.
Silver Bay, May 8, 2012, Image 12-0753
A look at the crew mess on the Boothe
Silver Bay, May 8, 2012, Image 12-0759
The pilot house, perched high atop the tug, gives a clear view down the barge
Silver Bay, May 8, 2012, Image 12-0760
A workstation station on the deck allows the mate to monitor in real time the barge's loading and ballast conditions
Silver Bay, May 8, 2012, Image 12-0780
Great Lakes Maritime Academy cadet Dan Hecko reading draft lines during loading
Silver Bay, May 8, 2012, Image 12-0752
Lakes Contender at Cliffs Northshore dock
Silver Bay, May 8, 2012, Image 12-0821