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Banner image: Quebec City
Bungee Grain Elevator
The Bunge Grain Elevator in Quebec City.
Quebec City, June 27, 2008, Image 08-3331
Maritime Trader approaching dock
The Maritime Trader approaches the dock at the Bunge Grain Elevator in Quebec City.
Quebec City, June 27, 2008, Image 08-3358

Deckhand in bosun's chair
Deckhand Clint Ford on the ship's landing boom.
Quebec City, June 27, 2008, Image 08-3363

Deckhand operating hatch crane
Philip Perkins opens hatches as the ship arrives at the dock.
Quebec City, June 27, 2008, Image 08-3375

Grain in cargo hold
The hatch cover imprint on the top of the grain prior to unloading.
Quebec City, June 27, 2008, Image 08-3378

Marine legs over deck
Unloading is done with the use of marine legs that travel along the dock.
Quebec City, June 27, 2008, Image 08-3395

Unloading grain
The unloading begins as the marine leg's buckets hit the grain.
Quebec City, June 27, 2008, Image 08-3399

Unloading grain
Looking foward on the deck of the Maritime Trader.
Quebec City, June 27, 2008, Image 08-3414

Unloading grain
Looking aft down the deck of the Maritime Trader.
Quebec City, June 27, 2008, Image 08-3425

Unloading grain
As the grain goes down the marine leg burrows deeper into the ship's cargo hold.
Quebec City, June 27, 2008, Image 08-3444

Unloading grain
Two marine legs are used simultaneously to unload the cargo.
Quebec City, June 27, 2008, Image 08-3451

Maritime Trader
The Maritime Trader moored at Quebec City and the Bunge Elevator.
Quebec City, June 27, 2008, Image 08-3587

Maritime Trader
The Maritime Trader unloading at the Bunge Elevator.
Quebec City, June 27, 2008, Image 08-3667

Maritime Trader
The unloading continues into the evening. It takes about 24 hours to unload the ship.
Quebec City, June 27, 2008, Image 08-3758

Maritime Trader
Looking forward on the deck of the Trader as evening falls on Quebec City.
Quebec City, June 27, 2008, Image 08-3759

Maritime Trader
With the Hotel Frontenac and the lights of Quebec City in the background it get much better than this view.
Quebec City, June 27, 2008, Image 08-3756
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