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loading coal at Milwaukee
Loading a barge with coal at the Greenfield Ave. coal dock
Milwaukee, June 24, 2009, Image 09-1297

Greenfield Ave. Coal Dock
Greenfield Avenue coal dock
Milwaukee, June 24, 2009, Image 09-1307

tug Leona B with barge
Tug Leona B moving barge from Greenfield Av. dock.
Milwaukee, June 24, 2009, Image 09-1335

tug Leona B with barge
Tug Leona B with barge on Milwaukee River
Milwaukee, June 24, 2009, Image 09-1358

H. Lee White
H. Lee White backing down to Greenfield Ave. coal dock
Milwaukee, June 25, 2009, Image 09-1464

H. Lee White
H. Lee White unloading coal at Greenfield Ave. coal dock
Milwaukee, June 25, 2009, Image 09-1489

H. Lee White
H. Lee White unloading coal at Greenfield Ave. coal dock
Milwaukee, June 25, 2009, Image 09-1478

Wilfred Sykes
Wilfred Sykes outbound after temporary lay-up
Calumet River, June 25, 2009, Image 09-1497

Wilfred Sykes
Wilfred Sykes departing So. Chicago after temporary lay-up
Calumet River, June 25, 2009, Image 09-1496

Wilfred Sykes
Wilfred Sykes entering Lake Michigan
South Chicago, June 25, 2009, Image 09-1505

Presque Isle
Presque Isle in Superior Channel.
Superior, July 1, 2009, Image 09-1594

Quebecois outbound to clean cargo holds
Superior, July 1, 2009, Image 09-1644

Quebecois outbound at Superior entry
Superior, July 1, 2009, Image 09-1677

Joseph L. Block
Joseph L. Block arrives amidst sail boaters at Duluth
Duluth, July 1, 2009, Image 09-1644

Joseph L. Block
Joseph L. Block inside the Duluth harbor.
Duluth, July 1, 2009, Image 09-1734
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