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Banner image: Roger Blough
Roger Blough
Roger Blough backing away from Murphy Fuel for lay-up
Duluth, MN, January 13, 2008, Image 08-8038

Roger Blough
Roger Blough turning around after leaving fuel dock
Duluth, MN, January 13, 2008, Image 08-8062

Roger Blough
tug Anna Marie Altman passing along port side of Blough
MDuluth, MN, January 13, 2008, Image 08-8085

Roger Blough
The Roger Blough heading for the lay-up dock in Duluth
Duluth, MN, January 13, 2008, Image 08-8082

Roger Blough entering lay-up dock
The Blough enters the Garfield 'C' slip at Duluth
Tug Anna Marie Altman clears the ice ahead of the Blough
Duluth, MN, January 13, 2008, Image 08-8166

Roger Blough in slip
The Blough enters the lay-up slip
Duluth, MN, January 13, 2008, Image 08-8210

stem of Roger Blough
The Blough's stem slides through the ice
Duluth, MN, January 13, 2008, Image 08-8244

Heaving lines going over
Heaving lines tossed to deckhands waiting on the dock for lay-up
Duluth, MN, January 13, 2008, Image 08-8264

Roger Blough at dock
Roger Blough with starboard anchor down
MDuluth, MN, January 13, 2008, Image 08-8277

Roger Blough at dock
tug Anna Marie Altman heading back to dock, alongside Roger Blough
Duluth, MN, January 13, 2008, Image 08-8308
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