The Inland Mariners: Special / Fraser Shipyard

S/S Cason J. Callaway
Image No. DS7058
January 16, 2003

The Cason J. Callaway
in Dry Dock No. 2 at
Fraser Shipyards, Inc..
Superior, Wisconsin.

Fraser Shipyard
article in the Duluth Seaway Port Authority: North Star Port.pdf
( Winter 2002-03)

Image No. DS7057
January 16, 2003

The Callaway will spend the winter lay-up in the dry dock for its five-year inspection.

Image No. DS7042
January 16, 2003

A view of the stem of the Callaway as the vessel rests on the blocks in the dry dock.

Image No. DS7107
January 16, 2003

Stern anchor of the Callaway.

Image No. DS7105 & 7135
January 16, 2003

The 2002-2003 lay-up at Fraser Shipyards marks the 13th time that the Callaway has wintered in the shipyard at Superior.